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Slovenia's robust economy

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Slovenia is an export oriented country with a large share of industry and a sustained growth rate in the past with optimistic forecasts for the next years. Slovenia encourages foreign investment to exploy the possibilities for their projects.

Slovenia is one of the few countries with 100% macroeconomic stability (World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index 2019), ensuring low-risk environment to investors. What is more, the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 indicators rank Slovenia in 37th place among 190 world economies, highlighting Slovenia’s commitment to provide stimulating business conditions. The economy is diversified and well immersed into the European production chain.


  • Strong and balanced economic growth with a solid outlook
  • Diversified strong industries with competitive export
  • Improved fiscal position and business environment
  • Profitable banking sector
  • Embedded R&D culture
  • Competitive tax regime


Slovenia’s economy has been stable having a sustained growth rate in the past and optimistic forecasts for the years to come, low inflation, a current account surplus, and a fiscal surplus, as well as declining sovereign debt.

Main macroeconomic indicators

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 forecast 2025 forecast
GDP real growth rate (%) -4.2 8.2 2.5 1.6 2.4 2.5
GDP in mil. EUR 47,045 52,279 57,038 63,090 66,833 70,936
GDP per capita, in EUR 22,373 24,803 27,040 29,753 31,360 33,175
External balance of goods and services as a % of GDP 9.0 5.9 2.3 6.7 4.9 4.2
Rate of unemployment by ILO in % 5.0 4.7 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.8
Gross wage per employee; real growth rate 5.9 4.1 -5.6 2.1 4.1 2.2
Labour productivity (% of GDP per employee) -3.6 6.8 -0.4 0.4 1.7 1.8
Gross fixed capital formation as a % of GDP 18.9 20.2 21.6 22.5 23.0 23.2
Average exchange rate USD/EUR 1.141 1.184 1.054 1.082 1.088 1.088
Inflation (year average) -0.1 1.9 8.8 7.4 2.7 3.4
Source - Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, 2024

Services provide most of the total value added, but what sets Slovenia apart is the large share of industry: with more than 28% share of the total value added, it is the third most industrialised EU member state. Industry also accounts for 80% of private investment in R&D.

Breakdown of economic activity by sector, 2021

Agriculture Industry Services
Value added (in % of GDP) 1.7 28.5 57.7
Value added (annual % change) -9.9 9.4 7.1
Employment by sector (in % of total employment) - data for 2019 4.3 34.1 61.6
Source - World Bank, 2023

The agricultural sector

The agricultural sector: Farmed agricultural area constitutes 30.6% of Slovenia’s total area, with 4.8% of farming dedicated to organic production, with another 5.4% in the system of control of organic production. Forestry also represents a significant part of the economy: 58% of Slovenis’s land is forested, annually contributing EUR 250 million to the economy in production value.

The industrial sector

The industrial sector: Since the 1980s, the mechanical industries (automobile, tool machines) and the high value-added industries (electronics, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals) have gone through a significant development, remaining one of the major contributors to the economy and attracting many foreign companies such as Renault, Bosch, Novartis amongst others.

The services sector

The services sector remains the key part of the Slovenian economy, showing a strong growth pattern over the last ten years, especially in the information and communications technologies (ICT), financial and commercial services, and retail businesses. The tourism sector has also been very dynamic, experiencing a period of accelerated growth prior to the Covid 19 pandemic (6.2 million tourists in 2019, up 5% YOY).


Slovenia’s focus is on exports, representing a large chunk of its economy. In 2023, Slovenian exports of goods amounted to EUR 41.2 billion while export of services reached EUR 11.8 billion – a combined total of EUR 53 billion that is approximately 91 % of the country’s GDP.

Top 10 export products, 2023

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2024

Export by country in € million, 2023

MARKET Goods in € million Services in € million Total in € million
EU-27 30,868 8,951 39,819
Germany 7,332 1,764 9,096
Italy 4,710 1,039 5,749
Croatia 4,366 838 5,204
Austria 3,102 1,501 4,603
France 1,818 434 2,252
Hungary 1,383 345 1,728
Poland 1,325 192 1,517
SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE 2,888 521 3,409
Serbia 1,288 299 1,587
Bosnia & Herzegovina 911 94 1,005
Northern Macedonia 275 44 319
OTHER COUNTRIES 7,561 2,378 9,939
Russian Federation 1,117 33 1,150
USA 819 366 1,185
Switzerland 1,028 799 1,827
United Kingdom 808 306 1,114
TOTAL 41,317 11,850 53,167
Source - Bank of Slovenia, 2024


Slovenia encourages foreign investment and does not discriminate between Slovenian and foreign investors.

Keen to attract new investment, the Slovenian government has introduced a number of incentives to support investors. Foreign companies making direct investments and meet certain criteria may be eligible for financial assistance in the form of grants. For more information on financial in scroll down or just contact us.  

Foreign investors can invest in most types of business undertakings. Repatriation of profit and capital is unlimited providing due taxes have been settled with the Slovenian Tax Administration.

Slovenia is one of the least restrictive countries among OECD members, along with Portugal, Czechia and Luxembourg (OECD, FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index Database 2022).

FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index, 2020

Source: OECD, 2022


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Related links

Slovenia's infrastructure and available utilities


Industries and technologies in Slovenia


Research and development in Slovenia


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