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Infrastructure and utilities

Port of Koper
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Due to its unique geographical position, Slovenia provides an ideal business location, whether to be used as east-west interface or as a headquarters for a company’s business activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans.

Two major TEN-T Core Network Corridors (Baltic - Adriatic and Mediterranean) intersect in Ljubljana. An excellent track-record of Slovenian logistics companies coupled with modern transport infrastructure is a proven success combination. High-quality and cost-competitive services are provided through the country’s road and rail distribution network, freight forwarding and shipping services, goods handling, warehousing, safety of deliveries, maritime and inland logistic terminal operations. Slovenia’s EU membership provides manufacturers and traders from Asia and Europe faster and more reliable trade routes serviced by the fully equipped logistics centres.


Destination km* Time
Maribor 130 1:20
Koper (port) 105 1:10
Zagreb 140 1:45
Venice 240 2:30
Vienna 385 3:45
Munich 400 4:30
Budapest 460 4:15
Milan 500 5:00
Belgrade 530 5:00
Frankfurt 800 8:10

*Distances and approximate journey time by road from Ljubljana


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Shorter maritime route

Port of Koper is a gateway to Europe and a fast-growing cargo port on the Adriatic Sea. The shipment route for goods arriving from Asia to the Port of Koper is up to 7 days shorter (more than 2,000 nautical miles) compared to Europe’s northern ports. Freight from the Port of Koper to any of the hinterland markets (Austria, Bavaria in Germany, North Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary as well as the Western Balkans) can be delivered in less than 1 day by road and less than 2 days by train.

Port of Koper is the largest container port in the Adriatic and among the largest ports for cars in the Mediterranean. It is a modern, well-organized and well-equipped multipurpose port, with non-stop handling operations, tailor-made services, developed hinterland connections, effective IT support connecting all members of the port community. It is also ISPS code compliant, offering full support in dealing with customs authorities (simplified customs procedures and pre-clearing), as well as EU border inspection point.

High quality road transport

It is easy to reach Slovenia from anywhere in Europe by car or truck within a day or two. Currently, there are nearly 700 km of well-maintained motorways and over 1,000 km of trunk roads. The motorway density in Slovenia is higher than the EU-27 average. Links with both the neighbouring EU member states and the southeast Europe are equally good.

Well connected rail network

Slovenia has a well-developed railway network along the TEN-T corridors and it is part of the EU rail Global Pass system. The broad network of railway lines enables door-to-door cargo transport services and the shunting yard in Ljubljana guarantees quick transport across Slovenia. Both freight and passenger services to and from southeast Europe has grown over the last few years.

The national rail operator Slovenian Railways (SŽ) runs both passenger and freight services and operates railway infrastructure, including 60,000 m2 of warehouses. It also provides combined transport services, and has container terminals in Ljubljana, Maribor and Celje.

Easy access by air

Three international airports provide easy access by plane to every corner of Slovenia. The Ljubljana Jože Pučnik airport, 25 km from the capital, is Slovenia’s main airport for passengers and cargo. Regular and charter flights carry passengers to key European destinations (Frankfurt, Zurich, London, Moscow, Paris…). One of the major advantages of Slovenia’s airports is that - due to their size - the clearance procedures are fast and they are also suitable for private jets.

International airports in the neighbouring countries are also in close vicinity, reachable within two or three hours by car from any part of Slovenia (Zagreb, Trieste, Venice, Graz).


Excellent ICT Infrastructure

Internet is well developed in terms of high internet penetration, household internet access penetration, number of ISPs and number of hosts per inhabitant. Internet access costs are low and flat rate internet access is available for residential and business users.

The country exceeds the EU average in overall fixed broadband take-up. 5G technology is already available for wider use across the country.

The cost of its fixed and telecommunications services does not significantly differ from that of other EU countries. Currently there are 4 major competing mobile network operators.

Access to e-Government services is excellent and the vast majority of administrative and business procedures can be completed online.

Water abundance

Slovenia is one of the most water-rich European countries in Europe (the 4th richest country in Europe in internal renewable water resources according to Eurostat, 2022), and it also boasts potable water of incredible quality. In Slovenia tap water is drinkable and many Slovenian towns have drinking fountains to quench your thirst. In Ljubljana alone, there are as many as 30 urban drinking fountains available in the warmer months.

Energy power mix

Slovenia is ranked 9th in the World Energy Trilemma Index that measures three core dimensions: energy security, energy equity and environmental sustainability (World Energy Council, 2022). Slovenian electric power transmission network is well connected to the European electric power transmission network.

Slovenia is among the member states with medium dependency, ie. about 50 % of consumed energy is produced in the country and it is completely dependent on the import of liquid and gas fuels. The structure of energy production is slowly changing, with the share of hydroelectric power plants increasing: about 31% of electricity is produced in hydroelectric power plants and plants using other renewable sources (waste- and biogas-fired power plants are still rare). Plants using fossil fuels contributed 32%, and the nuclear power plant Krško provided almost 35% of electricity. There is also potential for smaller solar power plants as Slovenia has an average of 2,000 hours of sunshine a year. The state supports projects for production of electricity from RES through various support schemes.

Electrical energy is a marketable commodity for industrial consumers that can negotiate the price of electricity with several distributors. Different rates of the electricity network fee are applied, depending on the voltage level, season (high-middle-low) and overall power consumption.

The Slovenian gas transmission network is connected to the networks of the neighbouring countries and consists of 1121 kilometres of pipelines and two compressor stations in Kidričevo and Ajdovščina.

Related links

Industries and technologies in Slovenia


Economy data about Slovenia


Pointers for establishing a company in Slovenia


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