In Slovenia, the procedure to establish a limited liability company is fast and easy, it may take up to 8 days and there are no costs involved. The most common forms are limited liability company (družba z omejeno odgovornostjo – d.o.o.) and joint stock company
(delniška družba – d.d.). Establishing a limited liability company or a
branch office is the most common practice for foreign companies to
establish a business in Slovenia, although you may choose also other
type of company.
Registration of a limited liability company with a single founder can be done online through the government’s portal SPOT and it is free of charge. In order to register LLC this way, the founder must have the following: obtain a Slovenian digital certificate provided by one of the certification authorities; obtain Slovenian tax number at Tax Administration office; use a prescribed form of the Act on Establishment; open an electronic book of decisions; and pay up the capital fully in cash.
Limited liability company with one or more founders can be registered at any of 150 Slovenian Business Point (SPOT) one-stop shops across Slovenia. Registration is free of charge. In order to register LLC this way, certain conditions have to be met: prescribed form of Act on Establishment has to be submitted and the founding capital has to be fully paid up in cash. At the registration, all founders of the company must be present.
When the company is registered online or through SPOT, it is then also automatically entered into the Court Register and in the Slovenian Business Register AJPES (The Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services). The information is also forwarded to the Tax Administration, as is the application for compulsory health insurance at the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia.
If certain conditions to register a company online or via SPOT are
not met, LLC must be registered through notary public with costs varying
between EUR 300 and EUR 500. Slovenian tax number has to be obtained at
Tax Administration office prior to the registration.
In the document below is explained step-by-step company registration procedure: (the document has been prepared by the Centre for International Cooperation and Development).
Once the company is established, it may rent or acquire business premises. Foreign legal entities established in Slovenia benefit from a national treatment regime with regard to the acquisition and ownership of real estate. Most land in Slovenia is privately owned and can freely be sold and purchased.
As service sector is booming over the last years, companies shifted to renting instead of buying for their operations. The headline rent in Ljubljana currently stands at € 14-17/sq.m. Average rents for the Class A office space is in range 12-14 €/sq.m. and for office space at secondary location it is from 6-12 €/sq.m. It is expected that office rents for modern premises will remain stable in the coming years, whilst outdated premises’ rents will face slight decreasing trends.
In Slovenia there are around 800 business zones (greenfield and brownfield) ranging from 1 up to over 100 ha in size. Smaller zones (less than 20 ha) are mainly of local importance, though opened to larger projects. Industrial land (20 to 50 ha) located near main transport routes is already considered as being a pinpoint for regional development.
The main actors in the development of land for industry in Slovenia are local authorities and regional development agencies. A number of private initiatives have also entered the frame recently.
In some cases, prices for fully serviced industrial land in industrial zones in Slovenia are relatively low, especially for strategic investors. Local authorities' main goal regarding industrial land development is not profit but the creation of jobs. The price per square metre of land in underdeveloped areas in Slovenia can be very competitive, while the prices in the vicinity of Ljubljana or major industrial areas vary from EUR 100-250 per square metre.
Purchase of land requires some specific knowledge regarding the national legislation, therefore the involvement of an expert is advised.
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