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DOMEL: MP 150 Cooling Pump - Totally Pumped

January 2022
Domel, d.o.o. is a global development supplier of electric motors, vacuum motors, blowers and components.

And their dedication to innovation has made them a driving force in several key technology areas, including universal vacuum motors, brushless DC blowers, and ultra-premium efficient permanent magnet synchronous motors.

Similarly, their dedication to innovation recently earned them the Golden Innovation Award from the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, for their entirely new water pump concept for cooling battery packs and propulsion motors in electric vehicles.

The MP 150 pump is designed to operate in a cooling medium, a mixture of glycol and water, and was developed for use in e-vehicles to provide long-term cooling for battery packs and electric propulsion motors.

And OEM manufacturers of e-vehicles recognise the value of this innovative pump, with the company’s planned production capacities already fully allocated. Naturally, they’re excited to be actively involved in the development of a whole new generation of electric vehicles.

And if that weren’t enough innovation and winning, Domel also had a part in the second CCIS golden award, for their development work on a highly efficient motor in a joint project with fellow Slovenian innovator Hidria, called the Electronically Commutated Fan EC R18.

Domel d.o.o., Železniki, Slovenia
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