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CETIS Chip Hinge: An Innovation to Increase Passport Security

October 2018
CETIS is one of the leading European providers for both security and commercial printing documents and solutions. Amongst their solutions is one of the most secure biometric passports in the world.

Active in countries across four continents, it supports protection and authentication built to the client’s specification. Their customisable technology meets today’s security standards involving polycarbonate or paper data pages, over 80 security elements and various bindings, and the potential to integrate chips into covers or into the polycarbonate itself.

Their passport production business started in 1991 and currently hosts complete turnkey solutions for passports. In addition to passport production, CETIS also offers solutions for passport issuance including data enrolment and management, AFIS, personalisation solutions, public key infrastructure (PKI), document issuance, central registers, and complete eGovernment solutions.

Innovation within CETIS is an ever ongoing process; their latest being one that brings a new generation of polycarbonate data page binding into e-passports. Durable and flexible, this unique development brings improvements to security, compatibility, and reliability. CETIS received a silver award for the concept at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia’s National Innovation Awards in 2018.

CETIS d.d., Celje, Slovenia
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