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TPV AUTOMOTIVE: Development and production of a structural undercarriage set made of high-strength steel

December 2021
TPV Automotive is a development supplier in the automotive industry.


  • it is a development supplier in the automotive industry;
  • the company offers engineering product development services and process technology solutions, and its production programmes include aluminium e-mobility components, ultralight steel components and surface protection;
  • with innovative products, the company is positioned among the most demanding customers in the industry, such as BMW, Daimler, Renault, Volkswagen and Volvo;
  • in 2011, the company won the Slovenian Business Excellence Award;
  • the company is among the winners of the GZS Innovation Awards;
  • in 2018, the company was nominated for the production of a structural chassis for BMW vehicles and for the production of chassis and bodywork structural assemblies for the new generation of Volvo electric vehicles.

BREAKTHROUGH SOLUTION: Development and production of a structural undercarriage set made of high-strength steel:

  • in the development of the chassis assembly, the company applied a new lightweight concept based on cold forming high-strength steel sheet metal;
  • this concept reduces the weight of vehicles, while production by cold forming reduces energy consumption and extends the life cycle of machinery;
  • the production of a new product is implemented by the company through the TPV4LIGHT pilot project, which will demonstrate innovative processes on robotised lines for the design and assembly of the components of the high strength steel chassis;
  • in the implementation of production, the company develops highly automated and robotised processes, using machine vision and voice and other enabling technologies.
TPV AUTOMOTIVE, Novo mesto, Slovenia
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