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MAGNETI LJUBLJANA: Manufacture of permanent magnets using waste magnets

June 2021
The vision of Magneti Ljubljana is to become a global manufacturer of durable metal magnets and magnetic systems on the global market.


  • this European manufacturer of permanent metal magnets, pasto magnets and magnetic systems boasts a long tradition since 1951;
  • the vision of the company is to become a global manufacturer of durable metal magnets and magnetic systems on the global market;
  • for innovative and sustainable solutions, the company received the GZS Award for Innovation in 2016 (for direct reuse of SmCo magnets), and in 2020, EcoVadis awarded them a silver medal for extraordinary achievements in the field of social responsibility.

BREAKTHROUGH SOLUTION: Manufacture of permanent magnets using waste magnets:

  • the company has developed a technology of successful direct use of waste magnets in production;
  • with the new technology, the company has sustainably improved existing products, reduced the use of pure raw materials and dependence on China and introduced circular economy models into production;
  • in the international project Susmagpro, the company produces prototype magnets for pumps and loudspeakers.
MAGNETI LJUBLJANA, Ljubljana, Slovenia
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