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Yet Another Proof of Slovenia’s Attractiveness as Investment Location

cargo-partner will begin the construction of a modern iLogistics Center near Ljubljana Airport within the year.

Slovenia’s culture of continuous improvement of the environment for investment and business have been recognised as demonstrated on 30 August when the first shovel touched the ground for the  iLogistics Center of cargo-partner Slovenia near Brnik.

The decision of the company that operates in some 30 countries across the globe to build at the intersection of Slovenia’s air, sea and land transport routes shows convergence between the mission and vision of a full-range info-logistics provider and the potential Slovenia has to offer. Its geostrategic position, time-tested links with the regional markets, highly qualified people and commitment to quality in all areas of life and work are widely acknowledged by serious investors. To meet increasing customer expectations means that everyone expects to get goods fast and at low cost, products are becoming more and more customised and the pressure to deliver a better service without raising prices is a challenge for the logistics industry.  And cargo-partner has expertise to deliver by smart use of fully integrated IT solutions and thanks to investments in sustainable transport and logistics technology.

Koper as the strategically placed entry and exit point for goods shipped from and to Asia;  Fraport Airpor; the motorway and the railway network are the determining factors  for the success of the supply chains that span the continent and beyond. These are the advantages the directors of cargo-partner have identified as the cutting edge with the benefits to include new jobs and high-tech breakthroughs.

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