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The Slovenian Coast: a beautiful location for thriving businesses
Photo: Port of Koper

Slovenia's coastline is less than 50 kilometres in length, yet the region is making the best of its strengths: its position between Italy and Croatia, and its connections with Central Europe.

Picturesque Piran and the bustling resort of Portorož on the Slovenian coast attract close to one million visitors every year. But the coast has much more to offer than tourism. Logistics for example. The Port of Koper is not only a key Slovenian logistic hub, but also one of the most important and fastest-growing ports in the Adriatic. With the total throughput exceeding 1 million TEU Koper is the largest Adriatic container terminal, and with 800,000 vehicles the most important port for shipping cars in the entire Mediterranean. It is hardly surprising that Koper is also home to several key logistics companies, including Intereuropa, one of the most important Slovenian logistic specialists – and subsidiaries of firms like BLG, a German company specialised in car logistics. The hub around the port includes financial firms, fuel traders, and innovative software companies. 3 Port, for example, develops applications and IoT solutions for cargo handling and storage. Another narrowly specialised IT provider is IN2 developing software for insurance companies. The largest manufacturing company in the region is Cimos, an automotive component provider with over 50 years of experience. Cimos produces turbocharger and powertrain components for brands like BMW, Audi, Volvo, Bentley, and Lamborghini. UK-based Titus Group has its key production facility for cabinet hardware components in Dekani near Koper – FDI employer of the year a few years ago. Neighbouring Lipro develops transport lines and flexible construction for automated production. Aluks produces high-end doors for residences. What is the driver behind all this development? In short: excellent traffic connections with the rest of Slovenia and Central Europe and close proximity to the Italian and Croatian borders.

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