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The golden innovators of 2021
Elan Voyager, world’s first folding skis. Photo: Elan

Every year the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia awards the best innovations after a selection process on regional and national levels. The 2021 results: nine golden and 31 silver awards for companies ranging from small start-ups to the largest Slovenian corporations and subsidiaries of global companies. The nine gold awards went to Castoola, Danfoss Trata, Domel, Elan, Hidria, Iskra PIO, Radgonske gorice, Red Pitaya and SIJ Metal Ravne companies.

Castoola is a young company that created a platform for the classic TV medium which allows targeted advertising that is common in the digital world. Danfoss Trata, a Slovenian member of Danish Danfoss Group, developed a new special pressure valve that allows lower energy consumption in hydraulic heating systems. With its new electrical motor pump Domel, a niche leader in specialized electro-motors, “actively participates in the development of the new generation of electric vehicles”. Ski manufacturer Elan introduced the world’s first fully functional folding all-mountain ski – another well merited golden award. Hidria’s smart industrial fan operates in extreme conditions with 20- percent better energy efficiency and is fully Industry 4.0 compliant. Iskra PIO received the golden award for its Flash room decontamination systems. In its various versions it could be used not only in industry but in various public areas like schools, health institutions, offices and even homes. A more unconventional innovation is Radgonske gorice’s new sparkling wine - Untouched by light: it is produced in complete darkness and distinguished by a unique aroma. Red Pitaya’s data acquisition system is a “disruptive innovation offering an alternative to expensive laboratory equipment”. SIJ Metal Ravne belongs to Slovenian Steel Industry Group and developed hot work tool steel with improved thermal conductivity. The tools made from this steel operate with better efficiency, with lower energy consumption, need less lubricants and produce less scrap.

A wide spectrum of varied solutions and products could also be found among 31 silver awards. Just a few examples to give you the impression. Adria Mobil’s smart multifunctional motorhome system controls all the basic systems of a motorhome and at the same time gives users locational information. Intra lightning’s Tracker light system was inspired by the spine of reptiles: it is fully adjustable and can follow any wall shape. Hermi’s fast joint system allows tool-free cable tray connections. The digital unit of the Kolektor Group introduced Cordea – a fully automated and reliable system to detect people with a fever in less than one second. SkyLabs was awarded for its NANOSky, one of the most scalable satellite platforms on the market. A few more examples: automation of processes in analytical laboratories for biosimilar development (Lek), an innovative process for the production of electric car battery trays (TPV), eBottle smart glass packaging (RC eNeM and Steklarna Hrastnik), complete production plant for a smaller format of cross laminated timber (Ledinek Engineering).

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