According to Site Selection magazine’s 2017 Global Best to Invest Report
The responsiveness, professionalism, after-care services are some of the qualities that have earned SPIRIT Slovenia yet another winning IPA title. As countries compete for foreign direct investment, at the end of the day what matters most is an IPA’s commitment to attracting projects that create jobs and tap local supply chains. The pro-active role of SPIRIT Slovenia in connecting demand and supply and bring companies to the locations that fit their description has earned the Slovenian IPA the top-of-the-class ranking for the second year in a row.
Slovenia as a prime FDI location has a lot to offer. Its long industrial tradition, business friendliness and educational quality add to the country’s comparative advantage in many industries and explain its good trade relationships with many countries. As an open, export-oriented economy, Slovenia specialises in products it makes efficiently such as metal products, electrical and optical equipment, components for the automotive industry, chemical products and pharmaceuticals – to mention just some of them. These are also the sectors of the economy seen as most successful in attracting FDI to Slovenia. Foreign companies find the skills and expertise of the labour force, the high quality of production and a pool of local suppliers to be decisive factors for an investment location. Moreover, short geographic distances to so many key markets and last but not least quality of life in the country comfortably nestled between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea have already caught the eye of many investors.
What the leadership and staff of SPIRIT Slovenia have demonstrated over the years is the bespoke service provided to potential investors to make their project a reality. However, creating a fair perception of Slovenia’s advantages as an FDI location goes beyond providing access to location data. The service SPIRIT Slovenia provides day-in, day-out is also about the qualities such as trust and reliability – the cornerstones of long-term partnerships we in Slovenia take pride in.
Investing in Slovenia is a rewarding experience. Join the investors who are already here!
Top IPAs accumulated the most points in voting based on the following criteria: