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Slovenian science in 2024: expanding the horizons
Institute Jožef Stefan's nuclear reactor. Photo: J. Malec, IJS

Key scientific institutions set up new research centres and labs, while the state joins major international initiatives.

The key Slovenian scientific institution Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) sets the ground for future advances in two key areas: quantum physics and fusion technologies. The 12 million euros worth project SQUASH aims to attract 40 scientists from all over the world with the goal “to develop top skilled innovative experts in quantum research and technologies”. In early 2024 IJS completed the construction of new facilities within its nuclear reactor research centre aiming at developing cooling systems for fusion reactors. With this IJS is strengthening its position as a fusion research centre: in September a group of IJS’s scientists received first prize in the Symposium for Fusion Technology (SOFT) for the development of materials used in fusion reactors. 

IJS’s most ambitious project, however, is the construction of the new Centre for Light, Matter, and Quanta – or IJS Plus. The 140 million euros worth centre with new labs will aim at “the application of quantum phenomena in the fields of medicine, electronics, energy, and sustainability”. 

The National Institute of Chemistry opened a new Center for Development, Demonstration, and Training for Carbon Free Technologies. The institute is also preparing a new 30 million euro Centre for the Technologies of Gene and Cell Therapy

Slovenia also completed formalities necessary to become full members of two key European initiatives: nuclear research organization CERN, and the European Space Agency ESA.

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