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Business news in Slovenia

Shortlist of options for potential new N-plant emerging, zoning could start soon

Ljubljana, 09 April (STA) - Representatives of Gen Energija, the state company owning the Slovenian half of the country's sole nuclear power plant (NEK), updated the press on Monday on the preparations for a potential new nuclear plant in Krško. They suggested that zoning for the plant, whose potential launch is expected around 2040, could already start this year.

While a public vote will likely be held in the autumn on the possible replacement for the 1983 reactor in Krško, whose lifespan was recently extended by 20 years until 2043, Gen Energija, presently the only investor, expects to have a national spatial plan application for NEK 2 ready by mid-May.

Gen Energija head Dejan Paravan told the press that the application will reflect a likely exclusion of three of the eight options for the plant presently being considered, namely the three that would feature two as opposed to one new reactor.

While the options currently on the table range from 1,000 MW to 2,400 MW, Paravan said that studies are continuing aimed at narrowing down the range of nuclear facility options provided by three potential suppliers - French energy giant EDF, US Westinghouse, whose technology is in the existing Krško plant, and South Korea's KHNP.

Once ready, the national spatial plan application will be examined by the government task force for NEK 2 and then sent to the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy, which will share it with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, at which point the content of the application will also be made public.

If this publication comes before the summer holidays and the analysis of the guidelines of the various stakeholders and experts is completed in the autumn, the government decision to start siting could be made this year, Gen Energija representatives feel, speaking of a moderately optimistic but viable scenario.

In addition to the preparation of the spatial plan application dossier, Gen Energija has already selected a radiological analysis contractor, issued a call for a safety analysis of the wider location, and is in the process of carrying out a preliminary analysis of a seismic hazard study. A call is also being prepared for a new flooding risk study.

The company, which recently spoke of ever greater and solid public support for NEK 2, announced it would present more details on the project, including the economic side, in May, with more details to follow before the referendum.

Prime Minister Robert Golob said in mid-2023 that NEK 2 could be built by 2037 or 2038 according to the most optimistic scenario. More recently, he said a decision on the project is to be made in 2027 or 2028 when the value of the investment and the rated power of the new reactor should be clear. He indicating there may be another referendum on the project then.

NEK, Slovenia's sole nuclear power plant which is co-owned by Croatia, covers about 20% of Slovenia's yearly electrical energy needs and 16% of Croatia's.

Public support for NEK is strong, with a recent survey commissioned by the newspaper Dnevnik showing 69% of the respondents supporting the idea, and a majority also agreeing with the use of nuclear energy to generate electricity.

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