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Business news in Slovenia

Petrol to pay out dividends of EUR 1.8 gross per share

Ljubljana, 19 April (STA) - The management and supervisory board of Petrol have proposed for the energy company to pay out a dividend of EUR 1.8 gross per share for 2023, which is 30 cents higher than the dividend for 2022. The board also approved the annual report for 2023.

In determining the amount, the company took into account the uncertainty in the energy markets, the development plans of the group and the desire to act responsibly towards all shareholders, Petrol wrote in a press release on Friday.

The supervisory board also approved the annual report for the Petrol group. As it already revealed in March, it recorded EUR 136.6 million in net profit, compared to a EUR 2.7 million loss in 2022. Sales revenue reach EUR 6.98 billion, down from EUR 9.5 billion in 2022.

The business results show the agility and success of the group, said Petrol chairman Sašo Berger. They will continue to adapt to the changed market situation and invest in renewables and the green transition.

A significant challenge for the group are the margins of fuel retailers, which are being regulated since December 2023. The low margins are insufficient to cover costs and thus limit the ability of retailers to adapt to the requirements of the Green Deal, said Berger, who believes market liberalisation is needed to boost investment into an environmentally sustainable business model.

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