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Business news in Slovenia

Krka proposes 14% increase in dividend payment

Novo Mesto, 04 April (STA) - The management and supervisory boards of drug maker Krka propose that shareholders get dividends of EUR 7.5 gross per share, a 13.6% increase on last year. The shareholder vote is scheduled for 11 July.

The proposal means the company would allocate just over EUR 231 million for dividends, or 60% of its accumulated profit. EUR 75.4 million would be carried forward and EUR 75.4 million set aside for other profit reserves, the company announced on Thursday.

Based on the current share price of Krka on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, the dividend yield amounts to 5.8%.

Krka posted a group net profit of EUR 314 million for 2023, a 14% decrease year-on-year, whereas sales revenue rose by 5% to EUR 1.8 billion.

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