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Business news in Slovenia

Intesa Sanpaolo profit up more than 300% in 2023

Ljubljana, 02 April (STA) - The Slovenian subsidiary of the Italian Intesa Sanpaolo bank ended 2023 with a record net profit of EUR 71.5 million, up by 338% from the year before. The bank increased its lending volume, the number of new clients and profitability, Intesa Sanpaolo said.

The bank's total assets grew by 8% to EUR 3.99 billion. Its operating and financial revenue grew by 87% to EUR 154.2 million. Profit before taxes was at EUR 87.9 million.

Gross lending to the non-banking sector increased by 1.2% to reach EUR 2.47 billion, representing a 9% market share.

The bank increased household lending by 2.9% and lending to legal persons by 0.2%.

The volume of deposits of the non-banking sector grew by 6.7% to EUR 3.42 billion or a 8.3% market share. Deposits by households grew by 2.6% and by companies by 14.7%.

"The quality of the credit portfolio remains stable at a high level due to a prudent lending policy," the company wrote, adding that the share of bad credit was significantly lower than in an average banking system.

The bank's chairman Luigi Fuzio said 2023 was the bank's best year yet.

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