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Business news in Slovenia

Almost EUR 13 million secured for entrepreneurial training

Ljubljana, 26 April (STA) - The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved a total of EUR 12.9 million from the European Regional Development Fund for 12 country-wide projects providing four-month training courses for individuals pursuing an entrepreneurial idea.

The scheme, called Tackling Challenges Ambitiously or PONI, is implement under the European Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027 and in the context of the knowledge-based innovation society.

It aims to strengthen sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in the SME sector, including through productive investment, the ministry wrote.

It is organised via regional development agencies, with the ministry deciding to allocate EUR 1.31 million each to most of the agencies, the exceptions being the agencies in the more developed Ljubljana, coastal and Gorenjska regions, which will get half the amount.

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