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Business news in Slovenia

New collective agreement signed for hospitality and tourism

Ljubljana, 23 December (STA) - A new collective bargaining agreement for the hospitality and tourism sector was signed on Monday. Reached after two years of negotiations, it includes a 15% increase of the lowest wages, and higher lunch and travel allowance. It will take effect on 1 January.

The lowest basic wage will go from EUR 800 to EUR 920. Four brackets higher, it will increase from EUR 1,200 to EUR 1,320, exceeding the expected minimum wage for next year, the Trade Union of Tourism and Hospitality said in a press release.

The agreement also increases lunch and transport allowance, as well as solidarity aid in case the employee ends up in sick leave due to natural disaster. Severance at retirement will be higher and bonuses for years of service will remain in place.

What is more, the annual holiday allowance will have to be at a minimum of EUR 1,600 in 2025. The union said that the pay and holiday allowance amounts are merely a foundation for further negotiations at the level of individual companies.

The Tourism Chamber and the Employers' Association welcomed the agreement, while noting that many companies already pay their staff more than stipulated in the new agreement.

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