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Krško N-plant considering extending its lifespan

Krško, 17 December (STA) - The Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK), which marks 50 years since the laying of its foundation stone this year and whose lifespan is set to expire in 2043, will look into the possibility of extending its operation past 60 years. Given its regular maintenance and upgrading of security measures, the prospects for the extension are good, NEK said.

NEK, which started test operation in 1981 and was launched commercially in 1983, completed procedures for extending lifespan by 20 years last year.

So far, it has successfully maintained and upgraded its systems, structures and components in line with management requirements and global industry best practices, the company said on Tuesday, noting that many nuclear plants around the world are seeking extension of lifespan past 60 years.

At NEK a feasibility study will be launched next year to determine whether another extension of the lifespan will be possible. Its results will be the basis for a decision on this to be made by the company's managing bodies and an international commission.

The complex procedure for extending the plant's lifespan may take a decade or more, as it includes many analyses and studies, an upgrade programme and a replacement of equipment that will become outdated.

This will be followed by an administrative procedure for obtaining an independent expert opinion from an authorised organisation for radiation and nuclear safety, and a new environmental consent with an environmental impact assessment and a transboundary assessment.

The plant will surpass its planned generation of 5,453 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity this year and its owner, the company Gen Energy, said on Monday that NEK generated 5,029 GWh of electricity in the first 11 months of this year, which is 1.8% above plans.

In addition to fuel changes, all planned maintenance work was conducted at NEK along with monitoring testing and upgrades during a routine overhaul in the spring. External audits too have confirmed that the plant meets high standards, NEK said.

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