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Business news in Slovenia

Industrial output up in November

Ljubljana, 10 January (STA) - Industrial output decreased by 1.4% in November 2024 over the month before and by 0.8% year-on-year, the Statistics Office said on Friday. Industrial revenue was down by 0.5% compared to October but it remained level compared to November 2023.

In processing, output dropped by 1.5% compared to October. In electricity, gas and steam supply it increased by 2% month-on-month, and in mining and quarrying output increased by 0.2% over the month before.

Monthly comparison shows a 3.6% decrease in consumer goods industries, a 2% drop in capital goods industries and a 0.2% drop in intermediate goods industries.

Compared to November 2023, industrial output declined by 17.2% in electricity, gas and steam supply. It increased by 26.1% in mining and quarrying and by 1% in processing.

Industrial revenue decreased by 0.5% in November over October. Revenue decreased by 0.7% in processing and grew by 20.6% in mining and quarrying. It grew by 0.9% on the domestic market and dropped 0.8% abroad.

Year-on-year industrial revenue remained unchanged, increasing in mining and quarrying, and decreasing in processing.

The value of stocks was 0.4% higher in November over the month before and 8.6% higher than in November 2023.

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