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Business news in Slovenia

GDP up in all statistical regions last year

Ljubljana, 16 December (STA) - Slovenia's GDP reached an estimated EUR 63.951 billion in 2023, up 12.4% from 2022 in nominal terms, the country's Statistics Office (SURS) said on Monday. GDP increased in all twelve statistical regions, the most, by 16%, in Posavje, east.

Following Posavje with a 15.3% increase was Central Slovenia and Goriška in the west with 14.4%.

The lowest growth in GDP was recorded in Primorsko-Notranjska, south-west of Ljubljana, at 7.1% and Koroška, north, at 7.6%.

The contribution of individual statistical regions to total gross value added differed a lot.

Central Slovenia accounted for 39.3% of the gross value added in Slovenia, followed by Podravje with 12.6% and Savinjska with 10.7%.

The remaining nine statistical regions contributed much less to the total gross value added, from 1.5% to 8.6%.

Regional differences in GDP per capita increased last year.

While regional GDP per capita in Zasavje, east, reached 54.6% of the national average, Central Slovenia's surpassed it by 47.8%.

The difference between the best and the worst performing region was 93.2 percentage points, the second highest since SURS started tracking this data.

The situation was slightly different in GDP per employee.

GDP per employee was the lowest in Primorsko-Notranjska, at EUR 48,979, or 84.3% of the national average, while it was the highest in Central Slovenia, where it reached EUR 65,391, or 112.5% of the national average. The difference between the best and worst performing regions was 28.2 percentage points.

SURS attributed the fact that the difference between the best and worst performing regions is significantly smaller in terms of GDP per employee than in GDP per capita to labour migration between statistical regions.

Meanwhile, just like GDP, employment also increased last year. According to national accounts, just over 1.1 million people were employed, up 1.6% from 2022.

The number of people employed increased by 2.2% in the cohesion region of Western Slovenia and by 1% in Eastern Slovenia.

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