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Business news in Slovenia

Calls open for small businesses, special-needs youth jobs

Ljubljana, 31 January (STA) - The Slovenian Enterprise Fund has published two open calls for businesses to vie for favourable microloans and for promotion of startups in problem border areas in 2025, while the Labour Ministry has published a call to co-finance projects facilitating special-needs youth's entry onto the labour market until 2029.

The first call is worth EUR 10 million, and small businesses can hope to get microloans ranging from EUR 5,000 to 25,000.

Eligible are micro, small and medium-sized companies with at least one employee that were founded before 1 January 2023 and are headquartered in Slovenia.

A total of EUR 1.5 million is available as part of the second open call to encourage startups in border problem areas.

Eligible for grants are micro and small companies registered between 1 January 2024 and 18 February 2025.

They can receive a lump sum of EUR 30,000 to cover all project costs related to starting a business, including investment, employment and marketing.

The Ministry of Labour meanwhile published an open call to co-finance projects which will make it easier for young people with special needs to find a job.

The goal is to encourage their long-term employment and a greater degree of social inclusion. Up to EUR 5 million will be available until 2029.

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