Lipica, 11 September (STA) - Slovenia already has a strong national brand, I Feel Slovenia, which is mainly used in tourism. Corporate circles however feel that a more business-focused Made in Slovenia brand should be created as well. Efforts to that effect were debated at a get-together on Wednesday of Slovenian business ambassadors.
Economy Minister Matjaž Han underlined the importance of a strong national business brand that would symbolise quality and help demonstrate that quality products are being built in Slovenia.
"Many countries have started building their brands in the past. We know that this is a systematic and very laborious effort, but I am confident we can all make headway together with a good brand," he said.
Dušan Olaj, the founder and owner of air domes maker Duol, said that three quarters of the global population knew nothing about Slovenia and to build such a brand, the country would need to invest money and time. This is a long-term process and the brand needs to be built gradually, he said.
This view was shared by Aleša Mižigoj, the director general of honey products maker Medex. She said Slovenia needed to focus on niche segments because it could not compete with large economies.
"At Medex we are determined to get into new markets as a brand and not as a subcontractor. There are other companies that have the same goal but for us to succeed more easily, we need to work together."
Matej Feguš, the owner of furniture maker Donar, said Slovenia's neighbours were aware of the importance of a national brand. He said short- and long-term strategies were needed to boost Slovenia's visibility.
The importance of strategic planning was also highlighted by Denis Mancevič, the director of NC3, a strategic communications company. "We need to know our business and our vision and where we want to go from here," he said, warning against simply copying approaches of other countries.
The event was organised by Spirit Slovenia, the national export and business promotion agency.
Slovenia has 41 business ambassadors, companies with disruptive business models, products and services that are seen as standard bearers for the economy at large.