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Business news in Slovenia

Average gross pay in October up 2.4% in real terms

Ljubljana, 20 December (STA) - The average gross wage in Slovenia in October was EUR 2,388.35, which is 1.9% higher in nominal terms and 2.4% higher in real terms than in September. The average net wage stood at EUR 1,514.49, up 1.8% in nominal terms and 2.3% in real terms in monthly comparison, the Statistics Office said on Friday.

The average gross wage in the public sector rose by 1.6% on the monthly basis, while the average wage in the sector of the state was up by 0.7%. In the private sector, wages were up by 2.1%.

On average, the highest wages were earned in the financial and insurance activities (EUR 3,363.15 gross or EUR 2,048.56 net) and in the electricity, gas and steam supply (EUR 3,361.73 gross or EUR 2,059.85 net), while the lowest were recorded in the catering activities (EUR 1,741.41 gross or EUR 1,140.28 net).

In year-on-year comparison, gross wages increased by 6.8% in both nominal and real terms. Net wages increased by 4.2% in both nominal and real terms.

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